The Usual Suspects |
I intended to post up this here blog post the next day, or early the next week, but Life got in the way, namely the dreaded and exhausting search for a new job. Then my youngest came home from her summer mission, and she leaves to go back to college on August 31st, and I got more than a little distracted...
I even posted on the Orbital Bombardment blog and the Swedish DzC blog a promise that I would get this done "tomorrow", but that was over a week ago, too...
I guess it's like my mother always used to say: "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
So, to everyone who has put up with my insane ramblings on the OB blog, the Swedish blog, the Hawk forum and Facebook in the meantime, and were expecting this blog post at least a week and a half ago, my most sincere apologies. Here is the much promised, under-delivered and very late blog post on my own, personal blog that you (may or may not) have been waiting for...
(Really, I mean it this time. With pictures and everything.)